365 Days of ikebana-Day 71

Everything in this arrangment is from our garden, beautiful begonias and the deep pink sedum. The pink is an unusual color for fall, however sedums are a great flower. Long lasting in arrangements and and blast of color in the fading fall garden. I think it is essential to my current creative growth to find the material and find a way to make it work. It forces me to think about the materials and how to use them, and really does strengthen the challenge of creating every day. Before long I’ll be back to buying flowers at the farmer’s market and the wholesale florist again (not that I have anything against either of those two sources, they’re great!) and with it comes an overwhelming supply of materials. I find having too many choices much harder than a limited supply. My problem is that I tend to start picking things based on what I like and want, and not thinking enough about how to make it all go together and what the end result might be. This will be my added challenge for my daily work, learning to think it through and edit my ideas.