
Upcoming classes to be determined.

4 thoughts on “Classes

  1. Judith Daniel says:

    Hi, Keith,
    I have always been in awe of you and your work!
    I am still a student of Jane Redmon’s but would be interested in your classes as well. Please do contact me when you will be resuming your classes.
    I look forward to your demo this Saturday, 2/27/21.
    Many thanks!
    Best regards,
    Judy Daniel

  2. admin says:

    Hi Judy! Wonderful to hear from you, and that you will see the demo this weekend. I will definitely let you know about classes as soon as I have something scheduled. I am hoping to get some going later this year, and in person. But there might also be the possibility of some virtual classes also. Let me know if you might be interested in that as well.

  3. Amy Chuang says:

    I am interested if you have online classes.

  4. admin says:

    Hi Amy! I don’t have any current online courses, but I Amy be planning some for later this year or early 2022. Can you tell me what type of classes you might be interested in?

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