365 Days of Ikebana-Day 78

Tonight was my Monday night Sogetsu Ikebana class, we have it twice a month in a DC at a private home. On the table are the materials we were given to use by our sensei, bittersweet vine and chrysanthemums. The bittersweet had lots of leaves and needed to be removed before arranging. I tried to take a few photos during the busy class, most were blurry because veryone was moving trying to arrange. But I still thought it would be nice to show a glimpse of the class.

I used a tall vase with an oval opening to do my arrangement, a freestyle nagiere. My hope was to come home and redo it to photograph. However I was tired and could not capture the arrangement as it was in class. Again a reminder of how temporary ikebana is, now all I have is the memory of it and for me that is good enough. At least I got a photo of it to show you tonight, I hope you like it as much as I did!