365 Days of Ikebana-Day 232
My design today is using dried, fresh, and unconventional materials. The packing material is one that has fascinated me for a while, so today when I came across some I
My design today is using dried, fresh, and unconventional materials. The packing material is one that has fascinated me for a while, so today when I came across some I
Here is the other ceramic piece that I bought at Manassas Clay, it’s a sweet little piece by Linda Becketti. It’s really small, a cup that you can hold in
The only fresh material I had today to work with was the “Mickey Mouse” anthuriums from Saturday’s workshop. I had a long list of things to do today, and I
Miniature ikebana facinates me, it seem so simple but it is hard to do. It takes skill to make something so small look so good. I’m alsways on the hunt