365 Days of Ikebana-Day 360

With the wildflowers and assorted garden flowers I collected today I did this arrangement, not ikebana but appropriate for the materials collected. I’ve wanted to do more tof this type of design also, so maybe there will be more in the next year. In this arrangment are stems of asters, astillbe, butterfly bush, begonia, queen anne’s lace, daisies, mountain mint, grassses, ferns, artemesia and coreopsis, placed in an antique pitcher. It was a dark dreary day with a threat of rain and I thought I would not be able to get out to pick anything, luckily the rain held off and I gathered some nice stuff. Once again I felt a bit conflicted that it wasn’t ikebana, but it flowed together quickly with ease, at that point I knew it was the right arrangment for today.

1 thought on “365 Days of Ikebana-Day 360

  1. frederick says:

    Love that one with the wood shed as a back drop so evocative of the mountains and wood stoves and fire places around the corner. Refreshingly full of wonderful local flowers, Bravo!

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